
Thursday 9 July 2009

Here is the music we have decided to use for our trailer:

We feel this suits our film as it both creates an eerie atmosphere and increases the suspense and tension throughout.

Our Poster

Editing Ideas

Before we started editing we came up with the following ideas for how we should put together our trailer:

  • The shots should start longer, then decrease in time throughout, making the pace build up and creating more tension.
  • The shots should follow no chronological order, as we want them to look like they've been taken from various places in the film.
  • We will put flashes between the shots to make it more obvious that the shots are not in order and to add more of a spectacle.
  • We will use 'day for night' to change some of the shots to look like they have been filmed at night. We are using this in post production rather than actually filming at night due to the practicalities assosiated with night-filming; th effect will re-create the dark colours and eerieness of night without lowering the quality of shots or putting everything in complete shadow.
  • For the sound editing we need have some dialogue: 'Do you ever feel like someone's watching you?' 'Like who?' 'I don't know'. This will run with the music but still be able to be heard; it will also run over other shots For the rest of the shots we will turn off the audio so we don't get camera static interfering with the music.
  • We have decided not to put the title of the film in the trailer as we want there to be some enigma surrounding the film. Also, as the title is 'Hidden Culprit', not actually revealing the title on the trailer fits with the idea for the film.


Yesterday we filmed all the rushes for our trailer. We made sure to do as many shots as possible for each stage of the storyboard so that we could pick the best one for each and so that we could leave out any mistakes. Generally we felt the filming went very well; however, we did encounter one error when it came to uploading the footage to the computer. This was that we accidentally didn't stop filming after one of our shots, meaning that whenever we pressed the button to do what we thought was start filming, it actually stopped the recording and visa versa. Luckily this happened quite near the end so that we didn't lose too much footage, and we only had to re-film three shots.


Wednesday 8 July 2009

The synopsis for our entire film, were it to be made, is as follows:
A girl starts to get the feeling that someone is watching / following her wherever she goes. One night she is making a cup of tea in the evening and she hears something behind her which makes her turn but she is knocked out before she sees anything. The next thing she knows, she wakes up being thrown into a container and just glimpses the man before being locked inside (having no knowledge of where she is or what has just happened to her). She manages to escape thanks to a passer by, and immediately call the police who get underway with the investigation, arresting 3 possible suspects based on the girl's vague memory. However, these three suspects all have motivation for having committed the crime, and all have equal evidence for their innocence (using flashbacks etc as various pieces of the story).
The suspects would be as follows:
1 - A boy 2 years older than the girl who has been in love with her for years. He has no history of violence and no significant reason for wanting to hurt the girl (other than the factor of unrequited love) but no alibi to prove he was no where near her house at the time.
2 - A convicted paedophile who's discovery tore his family apart. The conviction was a long time ago and he has long since been 'cured' after months of counceling.
3 - A man with a grudge against the girl's family after her father ran over his younger brother (drink driving). He has been heard saying that he will get revenge, but he has a strong alibi for where he was at the time of the crime.

Therefore, the films purpose would be to follow the lives of the three suspects, delving into their emotional and often disturbing pasts so that the audience would come to their own conclusion about who's guilty. The intention of the film would be to sympathise with not only the girl as the victim, but also those on the other side who's stories are rarely told, and how poorly they can often be treated by the British discipline system - even when they are innocent.

These film posters have influenced us in the making of our film poster, as one large image of the "stalker" looking, it is very effective and draws importance to him. It also helps to establish the genre as a thriller/horror.

Filming Day

We are about to go out (into the rain) to film. Having completed the storyboard yesterday, we now have an outline for the shots. We are pleased with our choice of thriller genre because it allows us to film a variety of shots at different angles to create an interesting and effective trailer.

The photoshop and editing woirkshop last night enabled us to learn more about the programmes we will be using and we are sure that it will allow us to make our teaser trailer and poster look more professional.